If your website hasn’t yet moved from HTTP to HTTPS from this month Google Chrome may start visually highlighting your website as not secure. Not a great look for your customers or clients! WHY?
Responsive Web Design – why the fuss?
Look around you right now. How many devices can you see that are not your old-school desktop computer? There’s even a fairly high probability that are you are reading this blog on a smartphone or a tablet. According to Reseller News, vendors shipped 334.9 million smartphones worldwide in the first quarter of 2016.
How much does a new website cost?
So you are thinking about a new website – and are after a rough price. Well the truth is there is no easy answer. It depends! With website design the sky truly is the limit however when you have a budget to consider it can be useful to have some idea of the components of a website that affect the cost.
A Brand New Look
You may have noticed some changes at Web Corner recently! We’ve modernised our look to add vibrancy to the brand, as well as updated our functionality and support to better …